Sleep is not just how your body recharges and resets after a long day, it helps improve and maintain brain function, moods and physical health. But many of us struggle to obtain good quality sleep or even sleep at all. From supplements designed to promote sleep and relaxation, to lifestyle changes, here are four ways to improve sleep and have a more restful night.

1. Set your body clock up for success

Having a consistent sleep schedule is one way to ensure your body can wind down enough to achieve restful sleep. 

To start, ensure you have exposure to brighter lights during the day. Spending time outside or in brightly lit areas helps your body associate daytime with awake time, allowing it to wind down naturally when things become darker. Limiting blue light (the light from screens) is another way to promote restful sleep, as its presence reduces the production of the sleep hormone melatonin. 

Finally, you can ensure your body gets into a sleep routine by sleeping at the same time each day.

Take supplements that aid in sleep and relaxation

Sometimes our bodies need a little help when it comes to rest. Melatonin deficits can diminish sleep quality and be supplemented artificially as a sleep aid. Other supplements, like Rite Calm Gummies, can be taken to induce relaxation and improve the quality of your sleep. Herbs, vitamins and minerals (specifically L-Theanine, Holy Basil, Lemon Balm, Rhodiola, Vitamin E and Vitamin B6 present in Rite Calm Gummies) ease stress and anxiety, two arch enemies of restful sleep.

Optimise your sleep environment

Your body can only sleep well when it feels safe and comfortable enough to do so. Aid this by creating a calm, peaceful and relaxed environment where you sleep. Use low lighting, maintain the right temperature (the right amount of warmth or coolness according to your preference) and reserve your bedroom or at least your bed for sleep only (not working, studying or gaming in your bed, for example). 

You also want to ensure you have a high-quality, comfortable and clean place to sleep, so choose the right mattress, wash bedding frequently, and change pillows every one to two years.

Watch what you consume

If you want to sleep well, there are some things you should avoid, especially in the hours leading up to sleep. 

Caffeine is a massive sleep preventative and should only be drunk in the morning and early afternoon. Alcohol also disrupts your melatonin production, so while you may sleep more after a drink or two, the quality of your sleep is considerably inferior. Late night meals are not a good idea as your body needs to digest them while trying to rest, but some small, high-quality snacks can prevent you from waking up through the night. 

Finally, while staying hydrated throughout the day is important, refrain from drinking too much in the 2 hours before bed. This will prevent you from waking up frequently to go to the toilet. 


November 18, 2022